The first international conference on programmable materials ProgMatCon2020 creates the interdisciplinary scientific platform to accelerate the development, production and application of programmable materials. It brings together scientists critical to the success of programmable materials from the disciplines of materials science, mechanics, optimization, process technology and product development and ensures their productive interaction via suitable formats, which is analogous to the integral approach inherent in programmable materials. Thematic priorities can be: the simulation of programmed materials, the optimization and programming of material functions, the development of suitable process technology for modular or hybrid production of programmable materials or the validation of programmable materials by demonstrators and prototypes.
The conference takes place at the H4 Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz, April 27-29, 2020. Eight different symposia are hosted by the conference. In addition, there will be five interesting plenary talks as well as an exciting social program.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at ProgMatCon2020 in the capital of Berlin!